Trending News Releases
Fully AI driven weather prediction system could start revolution in forecasting
The Alan Turing Institute
Producing nuclear fusion fuel is banned in the US for being too toxic, but these researchers found an alternative
Cell Press
Women’s earnings fall 10% four years after menopause diagnosis
University College London
Most of the carbon sequestered on land is stored in soil and water
INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment
Sensory t-shirt collects patient data and enables shorter postoperative hospital stay
European Association of Urology
Cambridge team uses powerful new MRI scans to enable life-changing surgery in first for adults with epilepsy
University of Cambridge
Shrinking Andean glaciers threaten water supply of 90 million people, global policy makers warne
University of Sheffield
From dinosaurs to birds: the origins of feather formation
Université de Genève
Nanotech-induced cooling improves crop yields in arid climates
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)
Cracking the code of pistachio genetics
University of California - Davis