image: Figure 1 China’s non-CO2 mitigation potentials (a), costs (b) and the contribution to avoided warming (c).
Credit: ©Science China Press
The carbon neutrality target focuses on attaining net-zero CO2 emissions, and does not specify non-CO2 mitigation targets. While China’s ongoing policies regarding non-CO2 GHGs do contribute to reductions in these emissions, such as Action plan for methane emission control. In addition, existing studies provide valuable insights into China’s short-term non-CO2 mitigation, but fall short in projecting long-term reductions and their uncertainties, as well as their contribution to future global warming in the context of China’s carbon neutrality. Beyond net-zero CO2, non-CO2 GHGs are expected to play an increasingly crucial role in stringent, future China’s climate policy. However, it remains unclear to which degree a comprehensive GHG mitigation scheme that includes non-CO2 GHG can affect the cost-effectiveness of mitigation efforts compared with CO2 mitigation only, which is preventing a realistic roadmap of China’s long-term non-CO2 mitigation.
By coupling the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM) and the Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Induced Climate Change (MAGICC), this study projects China’s non-CO2 mitigation potentials, costs and climate benefits by 2060. The findings could provide insights into the long-term non-CO2 mitigation roadmaps and facilitate cost-effective GHG mitigation in China.
Results show that deep CH4 mitigation in China will heavily rely on the synergistic effect of carbon neutrality through fuel switching and demand reduction. F-GHG emissions that are hardly affected by fuel switching show a substantial and persistent decline through the adoption of technical mitigation options. Even with corresponding mitigation measures, agriculture would remain the top emitter of China’s non-CO2, with its share steadily increasing from 35% in 2020 to 62% in 2060. Further non-CO2 reductions call for technological innovation and structural change or behavior change. The cumulative non-CO2 mitigation costs from 2020 to 2060 are even less than 10% of cumulative net-zero CO2 costs. Most importantly, the climate benefit of non-CO2 mitigation is 2.3-4.3 times that of CO2 mitigation in terms of mitigation cost per unit in 2060. As non-CO2 mitigation costs are only equivalent to 7%-8% of China’s net-zero CO2 costs, but the avoided warming of non-CO2 technical mitigation is equal to 18%-30% of net-zero CO2. The results thus highlight that incorporating a wider suite of GHGs into climate change mitigation strategies can enhance the cost-effectiveness of mitigation efforts.
See the article:
Opportunities beyond net-zero CO2 for cost-effective greenhouse gas mitigation in China
Science Bulletin