image: Researchers from the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design at the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló and the Nursing Innovation Group associated with Fisabio of the Alcoy and Xàtiva-Ontinyent Health Departments have developed a urination device for women in supine decubitus (lying face up), which facilitates the flow of fluid outwards and prevents spillage. In the picture: Ana Mesa (Fisabio), Jaume Gual and Julio Serrano (UJI).
Credit: Universitat Jaume I of Castellón
Researchers from the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design at the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló and the Nursing Innovation Group associated with Fisabio of the Alcoy and Xàtiva-Ontinyent Health Departments have developed a urination device for women in supine decubitus (lying face up), which facilitates the flow of fluid outwards and prevents spillage. The new invention is aimed at industries that manufacture and market urination devices and those related to hygiene products.
The devices known so far present comfort and sealing problems, resulting in leaks due to poor sealing, lack of fit and fixation. The particular configuration of the invention avoids leaks in the use of the device as it is specifically designed for the female anatomy in the supine position.
The Coanda effect is one of its causes, due to the tendency of the fluid to adhere to a close surface, causing unwanted leakage, as well as skin irritation and difficulty in directing the flow accurately. "Many women find it unpleasant and uncomfortable to urinate in the current wedge, and our aim has been to help them by trying to find a solution to this problem," says Ana Mesa, a Fisabio researcher in the Innovation in Nursing group of the Alcoy and Xàtiva-Ontinyent Health Departments.
According to one of the creators, researcher Jaume Gual of the UJI, "its volumetric configuration is designed to solve aspects of coupling to the patient's body and the circulation of the urination fluid. Thus, on the one hand, in its proximal area it has a specific toroidal geometry that fits tightly to the female body, while, on the other hand, the rest of the volumetry of the device has a specific trajectory, made by NURBS type curves, so that the urine fluid is efficiently decanted towards any collection device".
The device is simple, cheap, non-invasive and reusable. It does not need to be left in place because it is only used at the moment of urination; it is configurable for various sizes and adjustable to any collection device; and it is applicable to various pathologies. Jaume Gual explains that "the final shape obtained is the result of a process of geometric refinement based on the results obtained with a series of prototypes made in the laboratory using additive manufacturing". It has been validated on an experimental scale in the laboratory environment and is intended for development and adaptation to specific applications through specific agreements.
The Universitat Jaume I, through the Cooperation and Technological Development Office and the Vice-Rector's Office for Scientific Transfer, Innovation and Dissemination and the Fisabio Foundation facilitate the scientific and technological transfer of its researchers with the aim of advancing its vocation for the transmission and dissemination of scientific, technical, social and humanistic knowledge.
This research is being carried out within the framework of the UniSalut programme and is funded by the UJISABIO sub-programme of collaboration between Fisabio and the UJI. The UniSalut programme aims to generate synergies between the research staff and professionals of Fisabio and the UJI, among other universities, which give rise to research and innovation projects with great scientific-technical potential oriented towards innovative topics, with the attractiveness of obtaining public and private investment from national and international calls for proposals of interest.
Method of Research
Computational simulation/modeling
Subject of Research