image: Doctoral candidate Hosna Khajeh, University of Vaasa
Credit: University of Vaasa
By providing flexibility services to renewable energy systems, consumers can both help in balancing power grids and receive financial benefits. Hosna Khajeh’s doctoral dissertation from the University of Vaasa, Finland, introduces new methods that enable the efficient utilisation of energy users’ flexibility resources in distribution and transmission networks.
As the use of weather-dependent renewable energy sources increases, power systems need to become more flexible to guarantee energy supply at all times. One of the necessary steps for the future is making it possible for consumers to support both national and local power grids with their existing flexibility resources – such as home batteries, air conditioners, and renewable energy setups.
In her doctoral dissertation in electrical engineering, Hosna Khajeh shows how individual energy users, local energy communities, and industrial hydrogen systems can become flexibility service providers for both transmission and distribution system operators.
– While flexibility services for transmission system operators are well-developed, less attention has been given to those for distribution system operators, points out Khajeh who will defend her dissertation on 3 December at the University of Vaasa.
Khajeh states that consumers providing flexibility services not only benefits the system operators, but also the energy users themselves since they would profit financially from harnessing their own resources.
Practical methods for providing flexibility services
In her dissertation, Khajeh introduces different mathematical methods that enable consumers to improve grid stability.
– The presented methods help flexibility providers in effectively scheduling their resources, controlling their energy use based on the needs of system operators, and boosting their profits.
Distribution system operators, such as Vaasan Sähköverkko in Finland, can also utilise the findings to strengthen their networks, create new services, and make the electrical network more flexible.
Implementation requires global improvements from automation to planning
Khajeh points out that to deploy these new methods for providing flexibility services from household customers, improvements and investments are required both in Finland and globally.
– We need flexibility utilisation enabling advanced automation and telecommunication solutions, common transmission and distribution network planning and operating principles as well as market platforms and tariff solutions.
In her research, Khajeh used price and frequency data from Finnish national electricity transmission grid operator Fingrid’s open data platform, along with modified energy consumption data from Finnish households provided by Vaasan Sähkö, a Finnish electricity company.
Doctoral dissertation
Khajeh, Hosna (2024) Improving the Flexibility of Future Power Systems – Provision of Flexibility Services to the System Operators by Different Energy Resources. Acta Wasaensia 547. Doctoral dissertation. University of Vaasa.
Public defence
The public examination of M.Sc. Hosna Khajeh’s doctoral dissertation, "Improving the Flexibility of Future Power Systems – Provision of Flexibility Services to the System Operators by Different Energy Resources" will take place on Tuesday, 3 December 2024 at 12 noon in the Kurtén Auditorium at the University of Vaasa.
It is possible to participate in the defence also online: The password is 031628
Professor Pertti Järventausta (Tampere University) will act as opponent and Professor Hannu Laaksonen as custos.
Further information
Hosna Khajeh, tel. +358 29 449 8688,
Hosna Khajeh was born in Iran in 1990. She earned a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, specialising in power system studies, from Semnan University. In 2019, Khajeh moved to Finland to pursue a doctorate at the University of Vaasa. During her doctoral studies, she contributed to several projects, including FLEXIMAR and SMART GRID 2.0, which focused on harnessing energy flexibility from various energy assets to improve future electrical grids. Currently, Khajeh works as a Data Scientist at Elisa Distributed Energy Storage.