image: NCSA's Brett Bode (right) receives two 2024 HPCwire Readers' and Editors' Choice awards from Tom Tabor, CEO of Tabor Communications, the publishers of HPCwire.
Credit: NCSA
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications was recognized by the HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards for its outstanding achievements in artificial intelligence and the use of high-performance computing in the physical sciences.
Announced at Supercomputing Conference 2024 (SC24) in Atlanta on November 18, NCSA was awarded the Readers’ Choice Award: Best HPC Collaboration and Editors’ Choice: Best Use of HPC in Physical Sciences. It’s the 14th consecutive year NCSA has been honored with an HPCwire award.
As one of the nation’s many contributors to the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot, NCSA is making AI research resources available to the national science community. Partner institutions Indiana University, the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Purdue University, the Texas Advanced Computing Center and the San Diego Supercomputer Center were also recognized with this award.
Additionally, scientists at NCSA, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Chicago and the University of Minnesota used the Globus platform for data management in developing a physics-informed transformer model to predict gravitational wave evolution for spinning binary black hole mergers, including higher-order modes. This AI approach dramatically reduces simulation time from days to seconds, handling terabyte-scale datasets with high accuracy.
It’s an honor to be recognized for NCSA’s leadership in the field of artificial intelligence and to be part of impactful academic collaborations. AI is a powerful tool in research computing and whether it’s Delta, the newly launched DeltaAI or another of our AI offerings, NCSA is committed to providing the resources and technical expertise researchers need to further their innovative work.
Bill Gropp, NCSA Director
A list of all of the winners can be found on the HPCwire website.
The coveted annual HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards are determined through a nomination and voting process with the global HPCwire community as well as selections from the HPCwire editors. The awards are an annual feature of the publication and constitute prestigious recognition from the HPC community. They’re announced at the start of the annual Supercomputing Conference which showcases high-performance computing, networking, storage and data analysis.
“This year, as we celebrate HPCwire’s 35th anniversary covering HPC and SC, and as we are at the advent of an HPC-led AI transformation, the 2024 Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards certainly reflect these exciting events,” said Tom Tabor, CEO of Tabor Communications, the publishers of HPCwire. “Throughout the world, we see grand challenge problems that can only be explored and solved because of HPC, now aided by AI. Rarely do these accomplishments come to light, much less are they recognized for their contribution to society. Between our worldwide readership of HPC experts and the most renowned panel of editors in the industry, the Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards represent resounding recognition of the many deep and varied HPC accomplishments throughout the world. Our sincerest gratitude and hearty congratulations go out to all of the winners.”
In July, Gropp was selected for the first-ever HPCwire “35 Legends” list in celebration of the publication’s 35th anniversary. NCSA’s Founding Director Larry Smarr and Former Director Daniel Reed were among the first 17 honorees announced earlier.
“Computing gives you a tool to answer questions that can’t be answered in any other way, and I find this exciting,” Gropp told HPCwire. “HPC, of course, gives you the most powerful tools to answer the hardest problems.”
HPCwire is the No. 1 news and information resource covering the fastest computers in the world and the people who run them. With a legacy dating back to 1986, HPCwire has enjoyed a history of world-class editorial and journalism, making it the news source of choice selected by science, technology and business professionals interested in high-performance and data-intensive computing.
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign provides supercomputing, expertise and advanced digital resources for the nation’s science enterprise. At NCSA, University of Illinois faculty, staff, students and collaborators from around the globe use innovative resources to address research challenges for the benefit of science and society. NCSA has been assisting many of the world’s industry giants for over 35 years by bringing industry, researchers and students together to solve grand challenges at rapid speed and scale.