News Release

Even 10 minutes of nature exposure likely to yield benefits for adults with mental illness

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News



The only peer-reviewed journal that places psychology and mental health in an ecological context to recognize the links between human health, culture, and the health of the planet.

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Credit: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

A new meta-analysis published in the peer-reviewed journal Ecopsychology examined the effects of nature exposure on the social, mental, and physical health of adults with mental illness. The analyses, “Nature Exposure, Even as Little as 10 Minutes, Is Likely to Yield Short-Term Benefits for Adults with Mental Illness: A Meta Analysis,” showed significant, moderate effect sizes for all studies, and smaller, but significant, effect sizes for studies with control groups. Click here to read the article now.

Existing research suggests that nature exposure positively effects mental health. Joanna Bettmann, PhD, from the University of Utah College of Social Work, and coauthors, conducted a meta-analysis designed to analyze the existing literature investigating the effects of nature exposure on adults with mental illness.

The investigators found that nature exposure has a positive effect on adults with mental illness, with a significant positive effect on symptomology, including affect, anxiety, cognition, depression, mood, and quality of life.

“The findings from the present study support the use of nature exposure as an intervention to improve health and wellbeing for adults with mental illness,” stated the investigators.

“This meta-analysis underscores the value of incorporating natural environments into therapeutic practices for adults with mental illness,” says Editor-in-Chief Peter H. Kahn, Jr., PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology and School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. “The results are timely, evidence-based, and actionable.”

About the Journal
 is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly online that seeks to reshape modern psychology by showing that it cannot stand apart from an intimate human connection with the natural environment.  Against this backdrop, the Journal publishes original scientific research articles, as well as theoretical papers, case studies, nature writing, and reviews of important books and other media. Complete tables of content and a sample issue are available on the Ecopsychology website.

About the Publisher
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers is known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many areas of science and biomedical research. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry’s most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm’s 90 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers website.

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