image: At the signing ceremony for the Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement held on June 5, 2024, at Hokkaido University. Kiyohiro Houkin, President, Hokkaido University (left), and Atsuyoshi Koike, President and CEO, Rapidus Corporation (right).
Credit: Rapidus Corporation & Hokkaido University
June 5, 2024 — Rapidus Corporation (Head Office: 4-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Atsuyoshi Koike) and Hokkaido University (Kita 8, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido; President: Kiyohiro Houkin) announced today that they have signed a comprehensive collaboration agreement on education and research. The purpose of this agreement is to contribute to the enhancement of Japan's scientific and technological capabilities and the development of human resources through the semiconductor industry.
As Hokkaido is rapidly moving toward the promotion of the semiconductor industry, human resource development and research and development are currently being considered as challenges. In light of Rapidus' plans to start pilot line operation in April 2025 and mass production in 2027, the two parties have decided to commit to a comprehensive collaboration agreement for the purpose of promoting long-term cooperation in the development of high-level human resources and advanced semiconductor research.
The details of collaboration and cooperation based on the agreement are as follows:
(1) Training and education of semiconductor-related human resources
(2) Research cooperation in advanced semiconductor research, etc.
(3) Use of facilities and equipment
(4) Other matters as agreed upon and deemed necessary to achieve the objectives of this agreement
For the time being, Hokkaido University plans to support Rapidus’ development of a semiconductor base while both parties plan to cooperate in semiconductor human resource development and advanced semiconductor research. As a concrete example, a base will be established on the campus of Hokkaido University by the end of 2024 where Rapidus will evaluate and analyze 2nm semiconductors. In addition, R&D projects for advanced semiconductors related to Rapidus, as well as advanced semiconductor research that takes advantage of the unique research features of Hokkaido University, will be promoted.
With regard to semiconductor-related human resource development, Rapidus plans to dispatch its engineers to Hokkaido University to give lectures and Hokkaido University plans to provide Rapidus engineers with opportunities to learn about its latest research results.
About Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University has developed as the only comprehensive university in the vast land of Hokkaido with four basic philosophies of education and research: “Frontier Spirit,” “Global Perspectives,” “All-round Education,” and “Practical Learning.” We will establish the “Novel Japan University Model,” a new Japanese university model that creates a large social impact through solving global problems and moves forward strongly toward realizing the world's common goal of a "sustainable well-being society."
About Rapidus Corporation
Rapidus Corporation aims to develop and manufacture the world's most advanced logic semiconductors. We will create new industries together with our customers through the development and provision of services to shorten cycle times in design, wafer processes, 3D packaging, and more. We will continue to challenge ourselves in order to contribute to the fulfillment, prosperity, and happiness of people’s lives through the use of semiconductors.
Method of Research
News article
Subject of Research
Not applicable