variations of thermospheric composition and total mass density during the superstorm in the American and Asian sectors (IMAGE)
The northern and southern hemispheric thermospheric composition and total mass density (TMD) variations in the American and Asian sectors during the May 2024 superstorm. The left (right) column is the American (Asian) sector. The top panel shows the O/N2 variations, with the American sector from GOLD observations and the Asian sector from TIMED/GUVI observations at 10–50° MLAT. The bottom three rows show the TMD variations at 400 km from the model at the low (10–30° MLAT), middle (30–50° MLAT), and overall latitudes (10–50° MLAT), respectively. The red (blue) lines are the regional average results for the northern (southern) hemisphere.
Beijing Zhongke Journal Publising Co. Ltd.
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