Figure (2) Application demonstration of MTH (IMAGE)
(A) Working schematic of MTH-based smart windows; (B) setup for the thermal measurements of smart MTH-based and Low-E windowed houses in Weihai, China; (C) temperature of ambient and cavity air for the smart and Low-E windowed houses, and solar irradiance; (D) calculated AEC of the smart, Low-E, and glass windowed houses, and the energy-saving ratio of the smart window compared to the Low-E window in BJ, SG, LA, Rome and Brasilia; (E) the saved AEC for globally typical cities, the values are scaled to the area of the circles; (F) demonstration of MTH used for rapid visible stealth of a military tank; and (G) a demonstration of MTH protecting a plant from overheating.
Liang Huaxu#, Zhang Xinping#, Wang Fuqiang*, Li Chunzhe, Yuan Weizhe, Meng Weifeng, Cheng Ziming, Dong Yan, Shi Xuhang, Yan Yuying, Yi Hongliang, Shuai Yong, Long Yi*.
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