Gruna do Pedro Cassiano (“Pedro Cassiano cave”), Serra do Ramalho karst area, Carinhanha municipality, Bahia state, Brazil (IMAGE)
Gruna do Pedro Cassiano (“Pedro Cassiano cave”), Serra do Ramalho karst area, Carinhanha municipality, Bahia state, Brazil; A. Cave surroundings showing the limestone outcrops and the dried vegetation, sparse and altered by human impacts; B. Cave entrance.; C. Cave gallery showing the small subterranean drainage; D. Detail of the drainage with the apparatus of water extraction; E. Submerged roots, microhabitat of Idiopyrgus spp.; F. Detail of the microhabitat of Idiopyrgus spp., showing thinner roots; G. Xangoniscus aff. aganju, an amphibious troglobitic isopod that co-exists with Idiopyrgus spp.; H. Trichomycterus rubbioli, a cave catfish that co-exists with Idiopyrgus spp.
Salvador RB and Bichuette ME.
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