Comparison of the spin dynamics among the theoretical, the numerical and the experimental results (IMAGE)
The INS spectrum, theoretical, and numerical iTEBD simulations of BCVO at QCP. (a) The INS spectra under a transverse magnetic field, μ0H⊥c,1D = 4.7 T at T = 0.3 K using the LET spectrometer. The data is displayed in absolute units as a function of wavevector Q = (0, 0, L) and energy, for neutron incident energy Ei = 6 meV (integration range: −1.0 ≤ H ≤ 1.0 & −2 ≤ K ≤ 2). (b) Analytical calculation of dispersion of three lightest E8 particles. (d) Numerical simulation of dispersion using the iTEBD method, Eq. (S4) [15]. The dashed lines illustrate dispersions of the three lightest E 8 particles given by Eq. (1). (c) Energy-wavevector map of the magnetic excitations constructed from constant-energy and constant-wavevector scans measured on the IN12 spectrometer at μ0H⊥c,1D = 4.7 T and T = 1.5 K. The black symbols are the peak positions extracted from fitting the individual scans, whereas the dashed lines are fits to the dispersions to the lowest three E8 particles using Eq. (1). (e) Energy scans measured at the wavevector Q = (0,0,2) on LET and IN12, with the theoretically predicted energies of the first E8 excitations indicated by the red solid lines. Identified peaks are labelled mn (single E8 excitations), mn + mm (multi-E8 excitations) and Fn (zone-folding peaks). (f) and (g) Comparison of DSF results between the iTEBD data, the analytical data, and the experimental IN12 and LET data for constant-moment and energy cuts, respectively. The presented LET experimental constant momentum and constant energy cuts are shifted by an offset of 0.004 r.l.u (the offset was caused by experimental conditions). All DSF intensities are normalized up to the maximum intensity of experimental data.
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