Figure 2 | Demonstration of the excitation-wavelength-dependent PersL for multicolor display and optical information storage. (IMAGE)
(a) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for multicolor display by varying the excitation wavelength from 240 to 440 nm. (b) Schematic diagram and optical image of the composite film produced. (c) PersL photographs of colorful fish and cat patterns recorded on the composite film. Note that the green and yellow parts were recorded after switching off the 365 and 254 nm hand-held lighters, respectively. (d) Poker patterns of hearts, clubs, and diamonds obtained simultaneously by randomly arranging the 254/340/365 nm light from the xenon lamp through the mask. (e), (f) The images are color- and time-dependent PersL images of figure “8” pre-irradiated with a 254 nm (yellow part, 10 s) and 365 nm (green part, 3 min) hand-held lighter. Note that the top images in the white circle are the simulation patterns according to the PersL images; the patterns on the right are the stored information. Scale bar: 1 cm.
by Bo-Mei Liu, Yue Lin, Yingchun Liu, Bibo Lou, Chong-Geng Ma, Hui Zhang, and Jing Wang
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