Structural and characterization of the MQW NW array. (IMAGE)
Structural and characterization of the MQW NW array. (a) Schematics of the WZ based InP NW, facet-rotated InP core-shell NW, and InGaAs/InP MQW NW, respectively. (b) 30° tilted SEM image of the NW array grown on InP(111)A substrate. (c) STEM-HAADF image of the lateral cross-section of an InGaAs/InP QW NW. The dashed blue line indicates the expected position of WZ InP NW core which is covered with the 30° rotated InP shell and MQW structure. (d) STEM-HAADF image taken along [112] zone axis from the vertical cross-section of NW top segment.
by Xutao Zhang, Fanlu Zhang, Ruixuan Yi, Naiyin Wang, Zhicheng Su, Mingwen Zhang, Bijun Zhao, Ziyuan Li, Jiangtao Qu, Julie M. Cairney, Yuerui Lu, Jianlin Zhao, Xuetao Gan, Hark Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish and Lan Fu
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