Exploration illustration of the MoRIC and MMS (IMAGE)
The optical camera (MoRIC) and imaging spectrometer (MMS) onboard the Tianwen-1 orbiter were used to obtain remote-sensing images of the entire Martian surface. MoRIC employs a step-starting frame imaging technique with a color-imaging sensor and obtains Martian surface image data along the flight direction when the orbital arc is below an altitude of 800 km at the periareion. At an orbital altitude of 265 km near the periareion, the imaging swath was 265 km and the resolution was 65 m/pixel. MMS is a linear array push-broom imaging spectrometer that collects spectral images in the visible and near-infrared wavelengths. The imaging swath was 55 km at an orbital altitude of 265 km near the periareion, and the spatial resolution was 265 m/pixel. The MMS obtains spectral data simultaneously while the MoRIC is operating.
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