In proliferative cells, de novo lipogenesis is induced by overexpressing the genes involved in FA synthesis...Xia & He Publishing Inc.
The impacts of exogenous MeJA treatment on grape anthocyanin synthesis....Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
Seed hardness and component contents of NMH and PXS at different stages....Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
USDA researchers develop near chromosome-level genome for the Mojave poppy bee...US Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service
USDA researchers develop near chromosome-level genome for the Mojave poppy bee...US Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service
A model of Fe homeostasis regulation by MdCML15–MdBT2–MdbHLH104–MdAHA8 in apple trees....Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
Understanding what factors influence consumers’ decisions regarding menstrual products...Ritsumeikan University
The promise and potential of descSPIM – an affordable and easy-to-build light sheet fluorescence microscope....Juntendo University Research Promotion Center