The image shows microglial cells (in green) infiltrating tumor cells in a melanoma metastasis (in red). The cell nuclei ...Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche
Researchers from the Institute for Neuroscience unveil a novel strategy to combat melanoma brain metastases...Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche
Conceptual model for the multiple roles of fungi in mediating biogeochemical C cycling and nutrient dynamics in the rhiz...Science China Press
Proof-of-concept functionality for neuromorphic computing enabled by the phenomenon of electrical mutual switching....Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR), Tohoku University
SalivaOmics: the analysis of saliva through the integration of proteome, genome, and transcriptome data, offering a non-...ELSP
Observed and Simulated 2m-temperature (T-2m, °C) and precipitation (mm/day) anomalies...Science China Press
Recreating the Tumor Microenvironment with Bioprinting Technology for Personalized Drug Response Identification and Pred...Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH)
Supercharged nanoadhesive through co-assembly of recombinant protein and tetrahedral DNA for corneal transplantation...Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory