Figure | Schematic of the experimental configuration to generate and detect THz third harmonic generation. (IMAGE)
Figure | Schematic of the experimental configuration to generate and detect THz third harmonic generation. A multicycle driving field at the frequency w is transmitted through a lowpass filter. Inside a nonlinear graphene-based sample, this field generates a third harmonic at frequency 3ω. A highpass filter then selectively blocks the residual driving field, lowering the overall signal reaching a detection scheme (not shown) and, thus, increasing the detection sensitivity to the third harmonic signal. The nonlinear sample is a stack of two graphene layers (black honeycomb lattices) with electrodes (gold bars at top and bottom) and a polymer layer on the top surface acting as the electric gate (semi-transparent square).
by Ali Maleki, Moritz B. Heindl, Yongbao Xin et al.
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