Representative histological sections of the pancreas of rabbits with cystic fibrosis (CF). (IMAGE)
Histological analysis was conducted on pancreas samples from wild-type (WT) rabbits (n=3) and rabbits with CF (n=5). Representative images are shown here. (A) H&E-stained sections of WT pancreas. A1: zoomed-in view of the area labelled in panel A. (B and C) H&E-stained sections of CF pancreas. B1, B2, B3 and C1: zoomed-in views of the areas labelled in panels B and C. B1 shows exocrine pancreatic tissue fibrosis (five-pointed star); B2 depicts dilated pancreatic ducts filled with eosinophilic material (*); B3 presents proliferation of the epithelium in the pancreatic duct (empty arrow); C1 shows infiltration of inflammatory cells (#). (D) Representative vacuolar degeneration indicated by the ‘$’ sign. (E) Representative acinar atrophy and decreased zymogen granules indicated by arrowheads. (F) Epithelium mucus secretory cell metaplasia indicted by arrows in Alcian blue (AB) stain. (G) Epithelium mucus secretory cell metaplasia indicated by arrows in periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain. Scale bar: 200 μm.
By Xiubin Liang, Xia Hou, Y Eugene Chen, Jian-Ping Jin, Kezhong Zhang, Jie Xu
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