Schematic diagram of the industrial park energy system. (IMAGE)
(a) IPES-HES; (b) reference system. Egrid: electricity of purchase or sales in a IPES-HES; PPV: power generation of PVs; Pbat: power of lithium batteries; PP2C: electricity power of P2Cs; PDPC: electric power for the DPC; PP2H: electricity power of P2Hs; CCWS,ch: charging power of CWSs; CCWS,dis: discharging power of CWSs; CDPC: cooling supply of the DPC; Cuser: cooling load of industrial park users; Euser: electric load of industrial park; Quser: heating load of industrial park users; QDPC: heating supply of the DPC; QTST,dis: discharging thermal power of TSTs; QTST,ch: charging thermal power of TSTs.
Jiacheng Guo et al.
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