Midgut normal rotation, malrotation and with volvulus (IMAGE)
a). Midgut normal rotation. Note the foregut is coloured green, midgut as yellow and hind gut is having red color. b). Midgut malrotation with all of the small bowel on the right side, ileocecal region in the epigastrium with Ladd’s bands across the duodenum to gall bladder and most of the large bowel on the left side of the abdomen reducing the small bowel mesentery very narrow based. c). Midgut malrotation with volvulus leading to strangulation and catastrophic loss of midgut if not being managed urgently. A, appendix; AC, ascending colon; C, cecum; DC, descending colon; D, duodenum; E, esophagus; J, jejunum; LADD’S BANDS, adhesion bands between cecum and gall bladder across the duodenum; R, rectum; S, sigmoid colon; TC, transverse colon; TI, terminal ileum.
Ramnik Vallabh Patel, Indre Zaparackaite
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