Giant infrared bulk photovoltaic effect in tellurene for broad-spectrum neuromodulation (IMAGE)
Giant infrared bulk photovoltaic effect in tellurene for broad-spectrum neuromodulation a, Schematic of the atomic structure of Te; b, Photoresponse spectra of various semiconductors exhibiting BPVE. c, Power dependence of Jsc in reported materials under different light wavelengths. d, Co-culture process of mouse primary cortical neurons and Te nanoflakes. Red and cyan shapes represent mouse primary cortical neurons and Te nanoflakes, respectively. Deep red indicates electrophysiological recording traces showing changes in membrane voltage in primary cortical neurons co-cultured with Te nanoflakes when stimulated by infrared lasers. e, Illustration of the broad-spectrum neuromodulation mechanism between neurons and Te. The redox reaction occurs at the interface between Te and neurons. Purple and grey balls represent extracellular cations and intracellular anions, respectively. Red and grey hollow balls represent photogenerated electrons and holes, respectively. f. Quantification of the peak threshold of action potentials generated by primary cortical neurons co-cultured with Te nanoflakes.
by Zhen Wang, Chunhua Tan, Meng Peng, Yiye Yu, Fang Zhong, Peng Wang, Ting He, Yang Wang, Zhenhan Zhang, Runzhang Xie, Fang Wang, Shuijin He, Peng Zhou, and Weida Hu
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