The broadband nonlinear imaging achieved by Si metasurface through FWM processes. (IMAGE)
The broadband nonlinear imaging achieved by Si metasurface through FWM processes. a, The schematic diagram of the broadband nonlinear imaging process: an infrared image with a broadband wavelength coverage, referred to as the signal beam, mixes with an additional infrared light known as the pump beam. When both beams pass through the designed metasurface, this induced arrangement facilitates the generation of a visible output based on four-wave mixing (FWM) processes. b, Left: The schematic diagram of Si bi-layer metasurface. Right: Scanning electron microscopy images of the metasurface from the top. c, The measured FWM emission spectra from Si metasurface while tuning the signal wavelength when fixing the pump wavelength at 1130 nm. The tuning ranges of the signal wavelength are from 2300 to 4700 nm.
by Ze Zheng, Daria Smirnova, Gabriel Sanderson, Cuifeng Ying, Demosthenes C. Koutsogeorgis, Lujun Huang, Zixi Liu, Rupert Oulton, Arman Yousefi, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, Dragomir N. Neshev, Mary O'Neill, Mohsen Rahmani, and Lei Xu
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