Fig. 1: Simplified overview of the optical setup. (IMAGE)
Fig. 1: Simplified overview of the optical setup. The rays of the fluorescence particle are refracted by the fluctuating water-air interface. Because this aberrating layer can be considered planar, the correction performance can be increased by placing the deformable mirror in a conjugate plane to the water-air interface. The height profile of the water surface is sampled with a probe beam (green), which we term Fresnel Guide Star (FGS), and a wavefront sensor. The probe beam (FGS) is coupled into the system via a beam splitter and its reflex at the water-air interface is imaged to the deformable mirror and the wavefront sensor. For the sake of simplicity, the 3D localisation microscope is illustrated here as 2D microscope.
by Clemens Bilsing, Erik Nützenadel, Sebastian Burgmann, Jürgen Czarske and Lars Büttner
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