Sketch of the working principle of the all-optical modulation of light polarization (IMAGE)
Left: sketch of the working principle of the all-optical modulation of light polarization. The dielectric metasurface is illuminated by an intense laser pulse (“pump”, depicted as the purple beam), and its optical properties are transiently changed, following the interaction with light. A second laser pulse (“probe”) experiences a modified nanostructure, thus enabling e.g. to commute from linear to circular polarization with giant amplitude modulations on the picosecond timescale. In the background, the ultrafast polarization-resolved spectroscopy setup at work
by Giulia Crotti, Mert Akturk, Andrea Schirato, Vincent Vinel, Anton A. Trifonov, Ivan C. Buchvarov, Dragomir N. Neshev, Remo Proietti Zaccaria, Paolo Laporta, Aristide Lemaître, Giuseppe Leo, Giulio Cerullo, Margherita Maiuri and Giuseppe Della Valle.
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