Figure | Both single-shot probing technique and modeling approach for revealing the ultrafast laser-induced solid-to-plasma transition (IMAGE)
The ultrashort pump laser pulse interacts with a 10 nm-thick diamond-like carbon foil (DLC). The interaction region is illuminated with a probe laser pulse with a large optical spectrum, whose various colors arrive at different interaction times (temporal chirp). These time-delayed colors are transmitted through the target and diffracted using a grating, so that the transmission of each color, corresponding to a specific interaction time, can be captured by a camera. The computer simulation based on an advanced interaction model including both solid and plasma states can reproduce the measured transmission profiles.
by Yasmina Azamoum, Georg Alexander Becker, Sebastian Keppler, Guillaume Duchateau, Stefan Skupin, Mickael Grech, Fabrice Catoire, Sebastian Hell, Issa Tamer, Marco Hornung, Marco Hellwing, Alexander Kessler, Franck Schorcht, and Malte Christoph Kaluza
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